"It is because Karla cares so much that she was so worried about how her lectures would work in the new virtual environment - well she needn't have.  Her Sacred Baroque lecture delivered over Zoom was just as engaging and thought-provoking as any other I have attended.  

In fact, Karla made good use of the technology by going close up on features of the paintings so we could see and learn more about what some of the symbols and icons meant. We otherwise might have missed these details.  She also put paintings side by side so we could compare them and see how different artists tackled the exact same subject, showing us how artists evolved in terms of their skill and to reflect changing trends.  

As always, we saw history through the eyes of the artists and given that many artists she covered were painting at the time of their own pandemic hundreds of years ago - this had a particular piquancy.  

Highly recommended and I can't wait for the next one."

* Christine Wood - Javea