"We have attended a number of Karla's talks in the past and like to come back for more. We learned about Sorolla's journey from young painter to wealthy exhibitor; his need to paint for the masses to enable funding for more adventurous projects to be funded by the well-healed and nobility; the social consciousness that drove him to use art as a means of communication to enlighten those in the wider world and his wonderful use of light, color and texture. We examined his style comprising a juxtaposition of 'true life' painting within an impressionist nest of light, color and strong brush strokes. The sad end of Sorolla's life was brought into sharp focus at the end of the lecture. What stood out for me was the incredible warmth that this painter imbued in his art and the ways in which he invited participation from the viewer in understanding the messages he was clearly using his art to convey. Karla teaching style is enthusiastic and she is knowledgeable about her topics and clearly very moved by the subjects of her talks. Her studio atmosphere is relaxed and inviting of interjection and comment.Yes, I recommend her."

* Christopher H.A. Bell, B.Sc., M.B.A., M.Sc, Benissa

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