Search Testimonials


Dear Karla,

"Thank you so much for a super outing on Sunday to Alicante!

 I really did enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, small and very nice group of people and all the information you gave us about paintings and much more!!

Hoping to join you again on another trip."

Best wishes,
Sue (Javea)


This course exceeded my expectations and was so enjoyable.

Karla made every painting come to life with gossip and stories about the people in it and the artists themselves. Every class made me excited about going to the next one.

I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone. You will be fascinated, learn so much and have fun at the same time.

Sue Coley


Thank you so much for running the Art History course. It was really interesting and has opened my mind to so many new things.

I knew very little about art and have always dismissed certain types of art without knowing anything about the paintings or the artists.

Now, through the course, I know more about the Spanish masters, both about their lives and their innovative techniques. I now appreciate what the artists were trying to depict.

Learning in the classroom is one thing but being able visit Toledo and Madrid on the road trip, to see some of the original paintings, was something else. It was a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for all your hard work.

 Karen  Stephens


Thank you so much for running the Art History course. It was really interesting and has opened my mind to so many new things.

I knew very little about art and have always dismissed certain types of art without knowing anything about the paintings or the artists.

Now, through the course, I know more about the Spanish masters, both about their lives and their innovative techniques. I now appreciate what the artists were trying to depict.

Learning in the classroom is one thing but being able visit Toledo and Madrid on the road trip, to see some of the original paintings, was something else. It was a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for all your hard work.

 Karen  Stephens


"Just to let you know that your lectures have become an addiction for me.

Your style is interesting, amusing and provoking (of the mind).

Never stop, you have so much to give."

Your addict,
Peter Langley 'the would be painter'


"Just to let you know how much I enjoyed the Sorolla presentation in Hemeroscopea. Karla has a great knowledge of both techniques and cultural history.

Sorolla is of great interest to me because I am Javea resident and so I have a local Javea connection."

Best wishes, Lorna O’Connor

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Velásquez lecture 2013

"What an interesting morning learning about the great master painter Velásquez.

I have always been interested in Art but now I feel really knowledgeable and the next time I visit an art gallery I will be oh so snug as I contemplate the painting with my new found knowledge .

You have brought these painters and their works to life Karla and ignited what I know will be an enduring interest in the great works of Art.

I look forward to more lectures, films and of course visits with the other very interesting people I met at your lectures.

Thanks, Lorna Ainsworth


I was very interested by the advertisement on FACEBOOK for a series of lectures on the Spanish Masters and was even more pleased that I attended.

Karla took us on a chronological stroll and sometimes a canter through the life and works of the five Spanish Masters. A lot of time, effort and research had obviously been put into making the lectures flow and in selecting and presenting the best possible slides of the painting to the group.

The classroom environment was perfect for the level of understanding that was required although the AC was a bit fierce!

I learnt a lot without being overwhelmed and was disappointed not to have been able to make the road trip to Toledo and Madrid to see some of the original artworks but hope to make the trip with another group.

Rebecca Kerr


I saw the advert for the course on Facebook and if I’m honest, I was initially more interested in the history of Spain side than in the art as I never really thought of myself as an art lover.

However, thanks to Karla’s excellent (and often wacky!) way of explaining the works and lives of the Spanish masters that so clearly inspire her, I came to appreciate the paintings too.

The course has opened my eyes to a whole new interest, so much so that on a recent trip to Montserrat my partner was quite surprised to hear me exclaiming “Wow! There are some Picasso’s and Dali’s in this museum – we HAVE to go in!!!”

Maybe I should enroll him on the next course!

Thank you, Karla

Christine Irving

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With her endless enthusiasm and knowledge for her subject, studying Spanish Art History with Karla Darocas, in the smart and modern Hemeroscopea in Javea pueblo, is a real treat.

I am so glad to have had this amazing opportunity to learn about the Spanish Masters.

Lizzie Mullins, Javea